ISBN 978-9915-9752-9-0

Chemical and food processes applied to goat's milk: Non-Conventional Derivatives

Autor:Zorrilla Tarazona, Eduardo
Pérez Marín, Juan Luis
Robles Castañeda, Ingrid Yossy
Guerra Rios, Ader Martín
Tello Suarez, Raúl
Luna García, José Antonio
Ruíz Padilla, Carlos
Editorial:Editorial Mar Caribe
Clasificación:Seguridad de alimentos y bebidas
Público objetivo:Profesional / académico
Número de edición:1
Número de páginas:0
Formato:Pdf (.pdf)


Throughout the book, four chapters are explored; chapter I discerns the biological, chemical and nutritional composition of goat's milk and industrialized processes for processing its derivatives. In chapter II, the impact of microbial biotechnology on agriculture and health and the role of enzymes in biological reactions; in chapter III, non-conventional goat milk derivatives from artisanal to mass production are discussed and various chemical-industrial techniques and methods for obtaining lactose proteins, such as ultrafiltration, are envisioned. The use of acids as catalysts in protein precipitation and the use of heat treatments have also been feasible, the latter being the oldest process used for recovery. Chapter IV outlines a detailed treatment of lactic ferments and compilations of international standards, e.g. organizations such as the Codex Alimentarius Commission, established by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
Therefore the research objective: To examine the chemical, biological and industrial processes for the synthesis of pasteurized goat milk and conventional or unconventional derivatives, with emphasis on FAO and WHO regulations and recommendations. Therefore, it is important that the cheese industry has a portfolio of options to use whey as a food base, preferably for human consumption, in order not to pollute the environment and to recover, by far, the monetary value of whey, with the manufacture of whey powders, concentrated sweetener syrups for the food industry. The authors recommend the scientific community to complement the research presented in this book with local norms and regulations according to the type of derivative to be processed from goat milk and emphasize the importance of the agro-industrial processes presented in the book.


18 de julio 1790 / Tel. 2409 6012 int. 216