ISBN 978-9915-665-19-1

¿Has anyone seen Elías Massud leaving?

Autor:Aziz Loutaif, Gabriel
Editorial:Siojrin Gonzalez German Victor
Materia:En inglés
Público objetivo:Enseñanza inglés (ELT/ESL)
Número de edición:2
Formato:Amazon Kindle (.azw)


At the end of the twenties and after a tragic outcome with their father, the Massud brothers left Lebanon and migrated to Argentina, more precisely to the Paravachasca Valley, Alta Gracia, Córdoba. The beginnings, like all beginnings, were hard. Moreover, when we refer to the thirties, with the fall of the stock market in New York that reverberated throughout the world, later known as the infamous decade. Settled in that mountain city, they built a shop of general branches, which despite the crisis and the troubles of the first civic-military coup of Uriburu against Irigoyen, were able to grow meteorically in commerce and take root, which gave rise to the envy of their own countrymen. Elías Massud, the younger brother, meets Anastasia Peláez, with whom he married and they live a passionate romance that extends for fifteen happy years until an unusual event will forever change the fate of the couple


18 de julio 1790 / Tel. 2409 6012 int. 216