ISBN 978-9915-9397-1-1

Mr Procrastination
An Oedipal story

Autor:Aziz Loutaif, Gabriel
Editorial:Siojrin Gonzalez German Victor
Materia:En inglés
Público objetivo:Enseñanza de segunda lengua
Número de edición:2
Formato:Amazon Kindle (.azw)


In addition to this unhealthy symbiosis between mother and child in which the mother is undermining her son's illusion by not finishing his medical degree, other misfortunes overlap in Jorge's life that will push him to continue delaying his life: the suicide of his uncle Aldo and the break with Mariana Cisneros. Throughout his neurotic journey, the protagonist visits his friend and psychiatrist. Alberto Garay, who at times calms Jorge's existential crisis. The epicenter of the whole story is a character who feels volatile, who is not located in his own existence, and who is surrounded by circumstances that, far from helping him, push him even further into the abyss of hysteria. The overprotective mother, the death of his father, the suicide of his uncle, and the break with his girlfriend constantly surround Jorge, who at times puts the blame on his past, and in others, he considers facing his own fears to move on.


18 de julio 1790 / Tel. 2409 6012 int. 216